Horoscope in Tamil does have the ability to provide calculations & predictions based on any geographical location and it can generate jathagam based on Tamil, Kerala, North Indian & East Indian astrology chart styles. Horoscope in Tamil app provides Jothida palankal through inclusive analysis of jathagam & instantly generates grahanilai or birth chart in the preferred astrology chart style. It’s perfect for those who want to analyze their Jathagam. Horoscope in Tamil offers easy access to Jyothida kattangal, Raasi, navamsakam, bhava predictions, Dasa predictions, yogam, Jathaga porutham & lot more. This app is empowered by India's leading astrology website, was established in 1984 and a pioneer in providing digital astrology services with deep domain expertise. Horoscope in Tamil Описание Horoscope in Tamil provides complete & accurate horoscope analysis based on Tamil Jothidam.